セットリストNo.16 & 楽曲解説


01. Lovin' you(2022)
02. グッとGood Life(2019)
03. 名もなきエキストラ(2023)
04. ナミウテココロ(2020)
05. Doll(2022)
06. Glad to see you(2020)
07. Song for you 〜君を信じて〜(2019)


01. Lovin' you

控えめに始まった歌パートは、やがて軽く跳ねるような可愛らしいリズムのBメロを経て徐々に盛り上がり「やっと気づいた想いを胸に 今迎えにいくから」とピークを迎える。「Lovin' you lovin' you lovin' you ギュッと抱きしめて 知りたい 君の全てにKissをしよう」とストレートなサビは、メンバーの歌い方もまるで感情が弾けるよう。最高にドラマティックなKing & Princeからの贈り物を、一語一音たりとも聴き逃さないよう、じっくり浸って聴いてほしい。

The piano melody grabs your heart right from the intro, and the members' voices are gentle and full of love. It is a romantic and universal love song.
The song part started calmly, but gradually rose to a climax with the verse-2 of a lovely bouncing rhythm, followed by "Yatto kizuita omoi wo mune ni ima mukaeni ikukara(I'm coming for you with the feelings I finally realized.) The members' singing style in the straightforward chorus, "Lovin' you lovin' you lovin' you lovin' you gyutto dakishimete(Hug me tight), shiritai kimino subeteni kiss wo siyou(I want to know all of you and want to kiss you)," is like a burst of emotion. I hope you will listen to this supremely dramatic gift from King & Prince, soaking it all in so that you don't miss a single word or note.

作詞:YUUKI SANO・柳川陽香
作曲:柳川陽香・YUUKI SANO

02. グッとGood Life

シンセサイザーの音がお洒落な応援ソング。「まだ学生気分 停滞中で」とある通り、新生活、特に新社会人にとっては心に響くエールが詰まっている。

冒頭のハンドクラップと煽りのラップが楽しく気分を上げてくれて、「頑張るよりも 顔晴(がんば)ってる方が キミにはピッタリさ」という、歌詞を読むとそこで初めて分かるような遊びも散りばめられており、口ずさめば自然と元気とやる気が湧いてくるはず。少しの不安は、King & Princeがこの曲と一緒に吹き飛ばしてくれる。今日からの日々を楽しんでいこう。

This is a cheering song that’s synthesizer sound is stylish. As this song says, "I still feel like a student," the song is full of heartfelt encouragement for new life, especially for those who are newly entering the workforce.

The handclaps and stirring rap at the beginning of the song will lift your spirits in a fun way, and the lyrics, "It's better for you to be cheerful than trying hard," are interspersed with playful phrases that you will only understand when you read the lyrics, which will naturally give you energy and motivation as you hum along. A little anxiety will be blown away by King & Prince with this song. Let's enjoy every day from today.


作曲/編曲:Caesar & Loui・Cage・Oneye


03. 名もなきエキストラ


An up-tempo Japanese rock number with a gorgeous and heartbreaking guitar sound.
The protagonist of this song calls himself an "extra" with no role to play, has feelings for the girl seated second from the back by the window who is probably his classmate, but for some reason he is timid only toward her. However, Kaito Takahashi and Ren Nagase sing the story of how they want courage and wish to be your own prince someday. Takahashi sang his heart out loud, and Nagase sang his sad feelings directly in his words. 


04. ナミウテココロ

自分の心が分からない、置いてけぼりになるような形の見えない不安に身を委ね、ゆらゆらと水に揺られているような感覚。「まどろむまま バスタブの中 潜り込んで」と歌詞にあるように、さまざまな種類の水音をイメージする音がふんだんに使われていて、ディープな世界観を作り込んでいる。

This song has a pleasant, relaxed and gentle downer feel based on Japanese city pop.
It is as if you are swaying in the water, surrendering to the formless anxiety of not knowing your own mind and being left behind. As the lyrics say in the song, "Madoromu mama bathtub no naka mogurikonde(Slumbering, I dive into the bathtub)," the song is full of sounds that evoke various kinds of water sounds, creating a deep worldview.
Adding color to this piece is Yuta Kishi's fake part at the end of the song. It adds an accent to the last chorus and strengthens the lingering effect of the outro.

作詞:atagi(Awesome City Club)
作曲:atagi(Awesome City Club)、久保田真悟(Jazzin' park)
編曲:久保田真悟(Jazzin' park)

05. Doll

「閉じ込めてしまえばいい」「呪い殺してしまえばいい」「ガラスケースに飾っておくわ」など、包み隠さない歌詞に仄暗いサウンドのピアノ。King & Princeの中でここまでダークに寄った曲は他に見当たらないくらい異色な一曲だ。はじめは戸惑うかもしれないが、一歩踏み出して曲の世界に身を沈めてみれば、抜け出せない魅力に心地よさすら覚えるようになるだろう。

A unit song by Ren Nagase and Yuta Jinguji. The song depicts the dark feelings of attachment, dependence, and possessiveness toward a loved one from a woman's point of view.
The lyrics "I'll lock you up," "I'll curse you to death," "I'll put you on display in a glass case," and the dark piano sound make this song so unique that no other song by King & Prince has been this dark. At first, you may be confused, but once you take the first step and immerse yourself in the world of the song, you will feel comfortable with its inescapable charm.

編曲:TOOBOE, 川端正美

06. Glad to see you

「いま奇跡のように この 手のひらに舞い落ちてくる 雪のように」という歌パートから始まるウィンターラブソング。
冬の空気の冷たさやきらめきを感じるメロディ、歌詞の中にあるぬくもり。特別な相手との出逢いによって、自分のことがほんの好きになれたと打ち明け合ったり、好きな映画の話をしたり。終盤に入る「誓うよ」というセリフはこの曲のハイライト。序盤で「舞い落ちて」いた奇跡がやがて、「君の笑顔」として「僕の心に 降り積もって」ゆく。何気ない瞬間の積み重ねこそが恋する喜びなのだと教えてくれる、心温まる一曲だ。

This is a winter love song that begins with the song part, "Ima kisekin no youni kono tenohirani maiochitekuru yuki no youni(Now it's like a miracle, like snow falling in the palm of my hand).
A melody that evokes the chill and sparkle of winter air, warmth in the lyrics. They confide in each other that they have come to like just a little bit by meeting someone special, and talk about their favorite movies. The line "Chikauyo(I swear)," which comes in at the end of the song, is the highlight of the song. The miracle that was "falling down" in the beginning of the song eventually "piles up in my heart" as "your smile. It is a heartwarming song that reminds us that the joy of love is the accumulation of ordinary moments.


07. Song for you 〜君を信じて〜

旅立ちや別れを感じさせる、ミドルテンポ・バラード。胸がきゅっとなるような切なさをメロディに含みながらも、歌声はどこか安心感を与えてくれるような力強さがある。まるでKing & Princeが、不安や息苦しさに寄り添い、これから一歩を踏み出そうとしている者を見守ってくれるような優しさだ。

This mid-tempo ballad evokes feelings of departure and separation. While the melody contains a melancholy that makes one's heart ache, the vocals are somehow reassuring and powerful. It is as if King & Prince are there for those who are feeling anxious and suffocated, and are watching over those who are about to take their first steps forward.
It is as if they are supporting and encouraging those who are taking steps forward, saying, "We believe in you, and we have a place for you to return to. If you are feeling lonely for the coming spring, please hold on to this song as a talisman in your heart.

作曲:Susumu Kawaguchi、MiNE、Josef Melin
編曲:Josef Melin、Susumu Kawaguchi、兼松衆(ストリングスアレンジ)
