セットリストNo.21 & 楽曲解説
01. moooove!!(2024)
02. Bounce To Night(2019)
03. Lost in Love(2021)
04. Focus(2022)
05. ワレワレハコイビトドウシダ(2023)
06. Full Time Lover(2020)
07. King & Prince, Queen & Princess(2019)
01. moooove!!
This HIPHOP number has an old-school feel with a nostalgic scratchy sound.
It has the mood of a rebellious juvenile novel, criticizing the rules and templates of the world and pursuing its own justice and essence. While there is a slight sense of youthfulness and impatience, one can also sense a strong determination to follow the pure impulse to look straight at the “now” and move forward.
The tricky track structure before the last chorus is interesting and impressive, and the vocalization of Kaito Takahashi and Ren Nagase's somewhat aggressive groove is cool and languid. Feel the fusion of the heavy beat in your ears and inside of the body.
作詞/作曲:Ayumu Imazu
編曲:Ayumu Imazu / A.G.O
02. Bounce To Night
シンセサイザーのきいたユーロビート・ディスコ風の一曲。「Bounce To Night」とは、意訳すると「夜へ駆けろ」となる。ストレートなモチベ曲というよりは、どこかアウトサイダーな雰囲気をが感じるのが「夜」というモチーフに裏付けされているよう。
夢のための「戦い」に向けて自信を鼓舞するような「さあ行こうぜ 最強で 最高の 才能で」「さあ行こうぜ 最速で 最新の 最前線」と韻を踏んだ印象的なサビ終わりが耳に残る。痛みや衝突は覚悟の上。しがらみや迷いを捨て壁に立ち向かっていく様子が、キリキリとしたサウンドに乗って展開される。
A Eurobeat disco-style song with synthesizer. Rather than being a straightforward motivational song, the song has a somewhat outsider feel to it, which is supported by the night motif.
The impressive end of the chorus, which rhymes with “Saa ikouze saikyo de saiko no saino de(Come on, let's go, with the strongest and the best talent)” and “Saa ikouze saisoku de saishin no saizensen(Come on, let's go, the fastest and the latest front line)” to inspire confidence toward the fight for one's dreams, will linger in the ears. Pain and conflict are prepared for. The song's crisp sound shows how the band is willing to put aside their ties and hesitations to face the wall.
編曲:重永亮介、Tasuku Maeda
03. Lost in Love
This is a unit song by Ren Nagase, Kaito Takahashi, and Yuta Kishi. This song was produced by Sho Hirano and Yuta Jinguji, who did not participate in the singing. The song is a medium tempo song about the pain and suffering of a relationship that has come to an end, with a piano tone reminiscent of fluttering tears and sparkling memories.
The strings playing in the background during the chorus accentuate the sadness of the song, and it is a song that allows the audience to fully appreciate the three members' expression of sorrow. The wave of emotion that gradually grows toward the end is breathtaking, and the line “Zutto aishiteru(I'll always love you)” before the last chorus will make you throb with excitement.
04. Focus
The accumulation of small patience and slight strain in our daily lives can eat away at our hearts without us even realizing it. However, we can consciously pick up the little things that make us happy. This song, which gives us a hint on how to find such a way, was produced by Sho Hirano, a member of the group.
The melody is easy to listen to without feeling self-conscious, and the message is sincere enough to support our backs. In this article, I dare not pick up the lyrics in a spot-on way and explain them. The resolution of each of the “trifles” scattered throughout the song is so high that there should be a large difference in which part of the song moves the heart of each individual. I want you to find your own points of empathy in the songs without any unnecessary preconceptions. Your own personal story will surely melt away the lumps in your heart.
作曲:前迫潤哉・Dr. Lilcom
編曲:Dr. Lilcom
05. ワレワレハコイビトドウシダ
勢いのある歌い出しに一気に心を掴まれる、髙橋海人 初のソロ曲は、疾走感のあるロックナンバー。夏の持つ質感や情景をありありと五感に甦らせるような言葉選び、誰もが一度はやってみたことがあるだろう、回る扇風機に向かって声を出す行動を通して失恋の痛みが描かれる。
Kaito Takahashi's first solo song is a fast-paced rock number. The song depicts the pain of a lost love through the choice of words that bring back the textures and scenes of summer to the five senses, and through the action of speaking into a spinning fan, which everyone has probably done at least once.
The main character is finally able to reveal the various feelings that become painful when put into words, by holding the fan against it and having it make strange noises. Takahashi comes to stab deep into the listener's heart with his emotional singing voice to show the healthy state and the subtleties of this sad story. Many listeners will become emotionally involved and deeply immersed in the song.
06. Full Time Lover
「月火水から休みなく 金土日まで続くlove」というサビの歌詞が象徴する通り、平日も休日も関係なく、朝昼晩&24時間止まることなくずっと君に恋してるんだ、というポップで可愛らしい曲。冒頭からすぐに、岸優太の明るく抜けのいいハッピーボイスが聴いているこちらをウキウキさせてくれる。
タイトルからしてFull time workerにかけていると思われるように、ところどころで韻を踏んだり、ラップのリズムにひとクセあったりと、随所に楽しくなれる要素が散りばめられている。感じるまま、垢ぬけたメロディと歌詞の語感が作り上げるノリを楽しもう。
This pop and cute song expresses "I'm in love with you 24 hours a day, night and day, also weekdays and holidays” as symbolized by the lyrics of the chorus “I want you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday, yeah, You're my full time lover.” Right from the beginning, Yuta Kishi's bright and happy voice makes listeners feel excited.
The title of the song seems to be a reference to "Full Time Worker," with rhymes and rap rhythms that are fun to listen to. Enjoy the groove created by the glow upped melody and nuance of lyrics.
作曲:David Anthony・Sophie White
編曲:David Anthony・Masayoshi Kawabata
07. King & Prince, Queen & Princess
ずっと一緒にいたいと願っても、やがて訪れる一時の別れ。寂しさ、切なさを抱えながらも、共にいた時間を慈しみ、次に会える時を心から待ちわびながら、会えない時間は「いつの日も I'll be with you」と相手のことを想う。
誠実で深い愛を感じられるメンバーの歌声は、聴く者の胸の奥深くまで届き、美しい輝きを放つようだ。一語一句心のこもったKing & Princeからのメッセージは、限りなく優しい一方で力強く情熱的。あなたの大事な人への想いを重ねて聴いてみてほしい。
An enveloping ballad about great love for a precious partner.
Even though we wish to stay together forever, a temporary separation will eventually come. While feeling lonely and sad, they cherish the time they spent together and sincerely look forward to the next time they will meet, and during the time they cannot see each other, they think of the other person, “Itsuno hi mo (on any day) I'll be with you.
The members' voices, which convey a sense of sincere and deep love, seem to reach deep into the hearts of the listeners and radiate a beautiful glow. The heartfelt message from King & Prince is infinitely gentle, yet powerful and passionate. Listen to it with your feelings for your loved ones.