セットリストNo.2 & 楽曲解説
01. ichiban
収録:4thアルバム「Made in」、ベストアルバム「Mr.5」(通常版)
02. Beating Hearts
From the intro, we are gonna catch the bouncy bass slap, then, the horn section becomes thick with presence. This danceable number takes us to a new world with the beat.
The tricky lyrics, in which English and Japanese lyrics intertwine alternately, are like a play on words. You can enjoy the surprisingly many possible interpretations of the story, or you can simply enjoy the groove and momentum of the song without thinking about it too hard. Especialy, on the last high point, Ren Nagase’s long note improvisation is gonna to raise you up. The live performance video is also recommended. There are many ways to enjoy this song.
作曲:Susumu Kawaguchi・Adrian McKinnon
編曲:Susumu Kawaguchi・田渕夏海
収録:7thシングル「Magic Touch/Beating Hearts」、3rdアルバム「Re:Sense」、ベストアルバム「Mr.5」
“Nothing compares (to you)” means “All I need is you”, and, in this song, “girl” means “you”, so this is a love song from a boy to a girl. “You are like oxygen and water to me, I cannot live without you” “So, please close to me”, a boy sings sweetly. It would be nice to hear that superimposed on the relationship between the artist and the fan.
This pleasant waltz is perfect for bedtime music or bath time music.
04. Sing Your Melody
「歌う声があなたに 届きますように」というユニゾンでの歌い出しが象徴的なエールソング。特に髙橋海人の歌の表現は、憂いを含んでいてそっと寄り添うような優しさを持つ。視界が明るく開けるような頭サビから一転、Aメロで彼の声が入ることで、曲に繊細な陰りと深みが加わる。
The first line of the lyrics “I hope this singsong could reach you” (In Japanese, “Utau koe ga anata ni todokimasu yoni”) that is songed by unison symbolizes this cheering song. In particular, Kaito Takahashi’s expression has a melancholy and tenderness that makes you feel as if you are gently cuddling up to him.
The song's head chorus, which seems to brighten and open up the view, is transformed by his voice in the first verse, which adds a subtle shade and depth to the song.
The song is like a prayer for tomorrow, and the singing part increases toward the end. The flow of gradually increasing overlaps with the sound of the piano is very beautiful and sinks into the heart.
作曲:Stand Alone, Shogo
編曲:Stand Alone
収録:12thシングル「Life goes on/We are young」(通常版)
この曲の面白いところは、翻弄する側なのかされる側なのか、視点をどちらに置くかによって見えてくる情景が変わってくることだ。果たして挑発しているのか、されているのか。もしくはそのどちらもなのか。いずれにせよ、「Body Paint」が巻き起こす刺激的なストーリーを存分に楽しみたい。
聴きどころとして言及したいのが神宮寺勇太のラップ。「Goddamn ほら まだ足りない」「Hot damn 言わせたい」などダーティーなフレーズを、エッジの効いたやんちゃな声で立て続けに突き付けてくるパートが、この曲のアングラ感をよりいっそう際立たせている。
The interesting point of this song is the scene you see that changes depending on which perspective you place yourself, whether you are the role who is at the mercy of or the playing with. Are you stirring up or being stirred up? Or both? Anyway, you will enjoy the exciting story that "Body Paint" tells.
One of the highlights is Yuta Jinguji's rap. His edgy and naughty voice shows up the underground atmosphere of this song, for example, the lyrics of “Goddamn, hey, it’s not enough for me” “I want you to say hot damn”.
作曲:Thomas Sardorf、Charli Taft、Obi Klein
編曲:Thomas Sardorf、Charli Taft、Obi Klein
06. Freak out
King & Princeの楽曲の中では珍しく、情欲に満ちた夜を思わせる曲。
Unusually for a King & Prince song, this song evokes a lust-filled night.
The beat and the vocal parts, which are mainly composed of low notes, create a tingly atmosphere, and the male scatting interwoven throughout adds a wildness to the song.
After the first verse which continued for a long and tense time, the second verse began. Here, Yuta Kishi's clear voice pulls the listener's hand and takes them away into the depths at once. I hope you will surrender your body and mind to the bewitching world they have created, which is hard to be experienced in other songs, and get intoxicated by it.
作詞:Komei kobayashi
作曲:8on・Kyler Niko
Life is full of ups and downs, sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn't, but it's all part of the entertainment show. “Life is what you enjoy”, that is the message of this work.
This song is filled with cheerful whistling and a bouncy rhythm of string bass, then, it reminds us of big band jazz or musicals, and matches the theme of this piece very well.
After the first verse, the second number is not just a repetition of the melody of the first verse, but a break like taking shelter from the rain, that is the charm point of this song.
収録:9thシングル「Lovin' you/踊るように人生を。」、4thアルバム「Made in」、ベストアルバム「Mr.5」