歌おう!飛ぼう!と、King & Princeが楽しい世界へと誘(いざな)ってくれる曲。親しみやすい旋律と、はつらつとした歌声から元気をもらえること間違いなし。細かく入る合いの手のクラップやシャウトを感じながら、素直になって心を開いてみて。King & Princeは「デコボコもAlright」「ダメダメもAlright」と全力で受け止めてくれる。彼らが生み出すメロディーを信じて飛び込んでみよう。
King & Prince say "Let's Sing! Let's fly!" and invites you into a world of fun. You will surely be energized by the familiar melody and the vigorous voice.
Feel the claps and shouts of the chorus that finely enter the song, and try to be honest and open your heart; King & Prince will accept "Even the bumps are Alright" and "Even the no-no's are Alright". Believe in the melodies they create and dive in.
This song is a rock number with the relentless and exciting beat of drums. It also contains elements of Metal Music, so some people may feel the urge to head-banging.
The song starts out with a tone as if something is about to begin creeping up on, and then the heavy beat punctuates the song's spirit of breaking destiny and their own limits. The band's determination to build up their own style without fear is especially evident in the last chorus, "Kizu-darake kurai ga choudo iisa (Winning a scar of around that much is perfect.). Feel the depth of the sound and voices in your ears and heart.
Rapidly changing song development and a spell that repeats over and over and makes no sense. It's a shenanigan and crazy song.
The princes are childhood friends, and clicked, do as they like every day. They begin to imitate animal noises out of the blue, try to blow a strong breeze by fanning themselves with an uchiwa (fan). You can make sense of the relationships among the members. It's a strange song, but you will realize that "friends that you can afford to be stupid with" and "play without worrying about time"(In Japanese, “jikan mushi site zutto baka yareru nakama ga iru”) are so precious and invaluable.
04. Prince Princess
この曲を歌うのは、King & Princeの中で、デビュー前にPrinceとして活動していた岸優太・神宮寺勇太・岩橋玄樹の3人。「誰もがこの星の 大切な prince princess」と、可愛らしくシンプルな歌詞とメロディーは、童謡や童話を思い起こさせるよう。
This song is sung by Yuta Kishi, Yuta Jinguji, and Genki Iwahashi, who are members of a group called “Prince”, which is a unit of 3 members of King & Prince before their debut. They sing “Everyone is a precious prince princess on this planet”(Daremo ga kono hoshi no taisetsu na prince princess), when you listen to this cute and simple song , you are reminded of nursery rhymes or fairy tales.
Kishi’s amazing and deep expressions, Jinguji’s sincerity and uprightness, Iwahashi’s sweet and innocent voice. Each different, unique individual across each part, they connect the baton of music. This song is full of receptivity and reassurance, as if it were gently pat on the listener's head just as lyrics written. Why not take the plunge and indulge them?
収録:1stアルバム「King & Prince」(初回限定盤B)
05. Alright
「未来や過去ばかり手に入れたがる僕たちは 今あるこの瞬間をすぐに手離してしまうね」という歌詞が印象的な曲。つい背伸びしてしまったり、思い出ばかり振り返ってしまいがちな毎日に、この曲は今の自分と目の前にあるものに向き合うためのヒントをくれる。
歌うのは、平野紫耀・永瀬廉・髙橋海人の3人。King & Princeの中で、デビュー前にMr.KINGとして活動していたユニットだ。メロディーには南国を思わせる明るく軽いムードが漂うが、底抜けにお気楽というわけでなく、どこか深みと落ち着きを感じる絶妙なバランスになっているのは、3人の表現力と質感のある声質のなせるわざ。また、音域広く動くベースラインも心地好いので、ぜひ耳を傾けてみてほしい。
The lyrics, "We only want to hold on to the future and the past, but we are quick to let go of the present moment (Mirai ya kako bakari teniiretagaru bokutachi ha ima aru kono shunkan wo suguni tebanashite shimaune)," are impressive. This song gives us a hint to face ourselves and what is in front of us in the present, when we tend to overreach or look back.
Sho Hirano, Ren Nagase, and Kaito Takahashi are the members of the unit called “Mr.KING” in King & Prince before their debut sing this song. This tune has sunny and light mood like tropical countries, however, just not too much easy going, we can feel depth and calmness. This exquisite balance is made by the textured voice of three members, and you should focus on comfortable baseline .
作曲:川口進・Dele Ladimeji
収録:1stアルバム「King & Prince」(初回限定盤B)
06. 話をしようよ
向かう先を「ぼく」だけで決めるのではなく、話をしながら「きみ」と一緒に決めていこうしているように、この曲は「ぼく」と「きみ」の間に境界線を作らない。「本当は すごく怖くて いつも足は止まりそうなんだよ」と、本音も弱さもさらけ出し、共有し、一緒に歩むことを求め、許してくれる。「この先 どこに行こう」「どこ行きたい? 何を見てみたい?」と、始終語りかけるような歌声から感じるものを、心の中でじっくりと噛み砕いてみてほしい。
This is, tender and gentle guitar acoustic number, songwriting by Kaito Takahashi the member of King & Prince. They sing as talk to you, decide where they go by not only themselves but with “you.” This song never makes a borderline between “you” and them, does make room for you. “To tell the truth, I'm so scared, I almost stop my steps. (Hontou ha sugoku kowakute itsumo ashi ha tomarisounandayo)” The lyrics open their real intention and weakness, allow you be their side, walk along with. “Where shall we go?” “What do you wanna see?” they ask, so feel what they tell and imagene.
収録:13thシングル「なにもの」(Dear Tiara盤)
Just as an album is created by capturing photos one by one, all days that have accumulated form the present. This “IRODORI” song’s protagonist tells the story “You” always be by my side, then, “I hope you will be by my side in the future I envision as I leap through time and space.(Eien mo isshun mo koete shimau kurai egaku mirai niha itsumo kimiga ireba ii)”
This middle tempo ballad is sweet and calm, but in the chorus, big emotion will be overflow with lyrics “I'm sure that even if I collected all the love in the world, I wouldn't be able to tell you how much I love you, so I'm going to embrace you.”
When you feel lonely or unsure, I hope you will listen to this song. King & Prince give you straightforward love and calm warmth.