セットリストNo.11 & 楽曲解説


01. 君を待ってる(2019)
02. Magic of Love(2023)
03. 明日は明日の風が吹く(2022)
04. Big Bang(2019)
05. 僕のワルツ(2023)
06. 君がいる世界(2020)


01. 君を待ってる


一人だと感じたり、他者との間に壁があると思ったりしていても世界は繋がっていて、未来が君を待っている。若きKing & Princeの瑞々しいはつらつとした歌声が聴く者の耳に心にストレートに届き、純粋な気持ちにさせてくれるだろう。


You will feel the dawn of a new world and a new era, and a glorious view will unfold before your eyes.

You may often feel alone, or you may think there are walls between you and others, yet the world is connected and a future awaits you. Young King & Prince's fresh and effervescent voice will reach straight to the ears and hearts of listeners and make them feel pure.

It is a cheering song that will give you courage and energy, and should be listened to when you jump into a new environment, at a turning point in your life, or when you get stuck in something.




収録:3rdシングル「君を待ってる」(通常盤)、1stアルバム「King & Prince」、ベストアルバム「Mr.5」

02. Magic of Love


The song's lovely piano intro and cheerful singing style are even refreshing, but the sad lyrics make one's heart tighten slightly. The members sing with all their hearts, "You" are so far away that I can't see you even if I wanted to, but I'll always be thinking of you.

The bass line that moves in a wide range of notes and the dramatic guitar solo in the interlude heighten the excitement and draw you into the world of the song, and the highlight of this song is the last part where Nagase sings the next phrase slightly overlapping Takahashi's phrase. I hope you will enjoy the gentle yet sad world created by the two.


03. 明日は明日の風が吹く

今日がだめでも明日は風向きが変わるかもしれない。風向きが変わったときに、運やチャンスを掴むのは自分の行動次第。一度だめでも、何度でもトライしてみよう!とこの曲が背中を押し続けてくれる。上手くいかないときの哀愁と、肩の力を抜いた励ましが絶妙にKing & Princeの声で表現されているエールソングだ。

Lively horn section, playful sound selections. The joyful sound seems to lightly blow away life's little disappointments and unwitting resignations.

If not today, the wind may change direction tomorrow. When the wind changes direction, it is up to your own actions to seize the luck and opportunities. Even if it doesn't work out once, let's try again and again! This song keeps pushing us, even if it doesn't work out. It is an encouragement song with the melancholy when things don't go well and the relaxed encouragement exquisitely expressed in King & Prince's voice.


04. Big Bang

平野紫耀と髙橋海人による、ヘビーでスロウなユニット曲。「世知辛いこの世に風穴開けるStyle」「巻き起こしていくBig bang」と強気なリリックにある通り、ギリギリまで膨れ上がった爆発寸前の静かな闘志を表現しているような曲。低音のラップと不穏なメロディが聴き手の心をざらつかせる。

This is a heavy and slow unit song by Sho Hirano and Kaito Takahashi.The lyrics, "Open a hole in this hard world" and "Big bang to wake you up," express a quiet fighting spirit on the verge of exploding. The low-pitched rap and disturbing melody make the listener's heart flutter.

The contrast between Takahashi's upper style and Hirano's downer voice further enhances the impact of this song, and the addition of the Japanese string element brings a rare presence to the song.

作曲:Jan Baars、Rajan Muse、Ronnie Icon
編曲:Jan Baars・Rajan Muse m、Ronnie Icon

05. 僕のワルツ

耳に甘い歌詞とメロディ、身体に心地よいゆったりとしたリズムのワルツ曲。「君を 愛しているよ 愛しているよ」と、照れてしまうほどストレートなフレーズも、曲の穏やかさに包まれることで無理なく心に届くだろう。愛する人に向ける限りない慈しみを歌ったこの曲がもたらすのは、癒しなのかときめきなのかは人によって分かれるところかもしれない。

A waltz song with sweet lyrics and melody to the ear and a relaxed rhythm that is comfortable for the body. The song's straightforward, almost bashful phrases, such as "I love you, I love you, I love you," will reach your heart effortlessly, wrapped up in the serenity of the song. Whether this song of boundless compassion for a loved one brings healing or a crush may be a matter of opinion.

Of particular note is Yuta Kishi's whispery singing and Sho Hirano's emotionally expressive voice. Kishi's song at the beginning of the song instantly shows the direction of the song, and Hirano's last song gives a long aftertaste. I hope you will take the time to enjoy this song, which is overflowing with the tenderness of each member, in a quiet environment.


06. 君がいる世界

不安やネガティブに寄り添った優しい歌詞とピアノの音色、孤独ではないよというメッセージが心に沁み入るバラード。歌い方は始終柔らかく徹していて、「一歩進めたなら 少し休んだっていい」と、前を向くことに対して決して無理強いをしない。
今、僕らが生きている世界は華やかさも悲しみも合わせ持つ世界。辛い現実から目を背け耳を塞ぎたくなっても、僕たちが側にいるよ、人の想いや人との繋がりを感じてみて、とKing & Princeが優しく包み込んでくれる。

The gentle lyrics and piano tone of this ballad, which accompanies anxiety and negativity, and the message that you are not alone, are heartwarming. The singer's manner of singing is soft and steady from beginning to end, never forcing the listener to look forward, saying, "If you can take one step forward, it's okay to take a break for a while.

The world we live in today includes both glamour and sadness. Even if you are tempted to turn away from the painful reality and cover your ears, King & Prince will gently wrap you in their arms and tell you that we will be there for you, and that you should try to feel people's thoughts and connections with others.

作詞:栗原暁(Jazzin' park)
作曲:久保田真悟(Jazzin' park)
編曲:久保田真悟(Jazzin' park)、ストリングス&ブラスアレンジ:今野均
