セットリストNo.19 & 楽曲解説
01. Key of Heart(2020)
02. Sunshine Days(2022)
03. TLConnection(2023)
04. Wake me up(2019)
05. No Limit Tonight(2020)
06. オモカゲ(2022)
07. なにもの(2023)
01. Key of Heart
A cheering song in the style of country music, as warm as the spring sunshine.
The rhythm is like a bouncing step, and the strings are bright and clear. The drums in the 1st verse sound fun and pleasant, and the flowing bass in the chorus intertwines with the vocals to further enhance the song's moody mood.
Bonding with friends is the key to open the door to tomorrow. The song depicts a story of running toward one's dreams by connecting with the thoughts and feelings of friends who share courage with you even when you are uncertain. This song will be a light that illuminates the future as it gently pats the backs of those who listen to it.
作詞:Susumu Kawaguchi・佐原康太・MKSS
作曲:Susumu Kawaguchi・佐原康太
編曲:佐原康太、Susumu Kawaguchi、兼松衆
02. Sunshine Days
南国ムードたっぷりのレゲエにのせた歌詞は「潮風に身を委ねて 焼けた肌を重ねよう」「眩しい太陽の真下で 人生 最大 最強 楽しもう」と、余すことなく夏を満喫する心意気を感じることができる。
A summer song with the feeling of moving fast and energetic melody.
The lyrics, set to reggae with a tropical mood, "Let's surrender to the sea breeze and layer our tanned skin," and "Under the dazzling sun, let's enjoy life to the fullest and strongest," show the spirit of enjoying summer to the fullest.
The guitar solo in the interlude is a masterpiece. The melodious and emotional melody is intoxicating, and the climax of the big chorus, which comes after a modulation, brings to mind a live scene of towel-waving, jumping and having fun. Why don't you cut loose and have a good time with them?
03. TLConnection
TLConnectionとは、Tokyo Love Connectionの略。「フォトジェニックなTokyo Tower Tonight」という歌い出しが印象的で、都会の夜の情事を思わせる大人のムードが漂うナンバーだ。
TLConnection stands for Tokyo Love Connection. The song "Photogenic Tokyo Tower Tonight" is an impressive number that evokes a mature mood reminiscent of an urban nighttime affair.
The Spanish guitar tone in the first half of the song creates a luscious and mysterious atmosphere, and the members of the band sing about the tension between a man and a woman in a crisp manner. The way the beat comes in is very distinctive, and the intensity of the beat gives the song a unique thrill, so if you want to feel more excitement, please feel the mysterious groove with your whole body.
作曲:Mitsunori Ikeda(Tachytelic Inc.) / 栗原暁(Jazzin'park)
編曲:Mitsunori Ikeda(Tachytelic Inc.)
04. Wake me up
闘いに挑む直前のシチュエーションにぴったりの、ぎらぎらと燃えたぎる闘志を呼び覚まされるような一曲。サウンドもテンポも重く勇ましく、ブラスの演奏・メンバーの歌ともにフルMAXの気迫と気合がこもっている。特に、岸優太の「行こう頂上へ Wake me up」というシャウト、永瀬廉の「スピード上げて 進むだけ」のロングトーンは曲のドラマ性を極限まで引き上げ、聴き手の気持ちを盛り立ててくれる。
This is a song that evokes a burning fighting spirit, perfect for a situation just before a challenge to battle. The sound and tempo of the song are heavy and brave, and both the brass performance and the members' singing are filled with full maximal spirit and energy. In particular, Yuta Kishi's shout of "Ikou chojo he Wake me up (Let's go to the top, Wake me up)" and Ren Nagase's long note of "Speed agete susumudake(Speed up, just keep going)" bring the drama of the song to the extreme and make the audience feel excited.
When you have to fight, when you have to challenge something, this song will surely lend you strength.
作曲/編曲:Steven Lee
05. No Limit Tonight
「Wake me up」が内に秘めた闘志を表す曲ならば、こちらの「No Limit Tonight」は外へ向かって闘志を拡散させるようなイメージだ。夜の街を全速力で駆け抜けていくような疾走感、アップテンポなエレクトロ・ロックチューン。
サビのメロディに被せられる神宮寺勇太のラップのアドリブ(HIPHOPで言う、メインのリリックの隙間を埋めるように入れる合いの手のようなもの)が効いていて、さらにそこから展開する2番サビで担当するメロディーパート「We're gonna break it down, Break it down」「本能のまま 音に任せて Up & Down」の部分がクールで力強い。
If "Wake me up" is a song that expresses the fighting spirit hidden within, "No Limit Tonight" is an outward diffusion of that fighting spirit. This up-tempo electro-rock tune has the feel of running through the city at full speed at night.
Yuta Jinguji's rap ad-libs over the melody of the chorus are effective, and the melody parts "We're gonna break it down, Break it down" and "Honno no mama otoni makasete Up & Down(Let the sound take care of your instincts, Up & Down)" that he takes charge of in the second chorus that develops from there are cool and powerful.
This is the song to choose when you want to aim high and push the limits of your instincts.
作詞:Komei Kobayashi
作曲:Tommy Clint・坂室賢一
06. オモカゲ
優しくソフトなメロディだが、この曲で切々と語られているのは悲しみや哀愁。「風よ 思い出まで連れてかないで」という歌詞が伝えるように、別れの痛みが胸を締め付けるバラード。
笑う声、泣き顔、髪のにおい、手のひらのぬくもり。様々な思い出の余韻を残して去っていった「君」の面影を追っては、“忘れたいけど 忘れたくない”という相反する感情の間で揺れる「僕」の様子が切なく描かれている。メランコリックな曲調に、メンバーの中で特によくマッチしているのが平野紫耀の声。独特な質感で、曲の持つ情感や憂いをより深いものに彩っている。
The melody is gentle and soft, but what is being told in this song is sadness and melancholy. As the lyrics, "Kaze yo omoide made turetekanaide(Wind, don't take me down to my memories)," convey, the pain of parting tightens the heart in this ballad.
The sound of her laughing voice, her crying face, the smell of her hair, the warmth of her palm. The song sadly depicts how "I" waver between conflicting feelings of "Wasuretai kedo wasuretaku nai(I want to forget but I want to remember" as I chase after the image of "you" who has left me with various lingering memories. Among the members, Sho Hirano's voice matches the melancholic tone of the song particularly well. The unique texture of his voice adds depth to the emotion and melancholy of the song.
07. なにもの
“Nanimono demo nakutatte yume wo egako(Draw a dream of even though I am nobody)”, the very first phrase is the theme of this song. The unison of Ren Nagase and Kaito Takahashi in the beginning of the first chorus, without an introduction, brings the sparkling feeling of having a dream in your heart and draws you into the world of the song at once.
However, the song is not overly lively or overly energetic, but rather speaks to the listener in a calm way, which is a unique quality of this song. The song is full of tenderness, as if the song is cuddling up to you with all its sorrows and joys, saying, "Chiisana shiawase wo mitukeyo(Let's find a little happiness)" and "Kanarazu soba ni arukara(It will always be by your side).
Takahashi's happy aura and Nagase's supple strength harmonize perfectly with the cheerful brass band sound in this number.