セットリストNo.18 & 楽曲解説
01. 僕らのGreat Journey(2021)
02. Heart & Beat(2020)
03. ORESEN(2020)
04. Rainbow(2023)
05. Glass Flower(2018)
06. Kiss & Kill(2023)
07. 君に ありがとう(2019)
01. 僕らのGreat Journey
King & Princeの歌声が、ブラスの華やかな音色やサビのファンキーなギターカッティングと共に楽しさとハッピーを運び、気分を盛り上げてくれる。彼らと一緒に、まだ見ぬ世界へ旅に出掛けよう!
A youth adventure story of "Bokura (us)" who has a dream. Do act casually, be charming, and, enjoy the style of this song with an easygoing attitude as well as the tune. If you follow your heart's desire to "Itusmo muchu ni natte itai (always be enthusiastic)" and "Kino koete itai (exceed yesterday's expectations)," you will naturally become excited.
King & Prince's voices, along with the gorgeous sound of brass and funky guitar cutting in the chorus, bring fun and happiness to the song and lift your spirits. Let's go on a journey with them to a world you have not yet seen!
作曲:C&K、Carlos K.
編曲:Carlos K.
02. Heart & Beat
「弾けるリズムに合わせて叫べ!」と、心を解放してくれる歌には自然と笑顔の花が咲くこと間違いなし。「あなたの笑顔が何より最高」と畳みかけてきてくれるのも最高だ。メンバーとHigh five(ハイタッチ)しているような気分で、楽しさを掛け算してゆこう。
An upper and exhilarating rock tune. The very outstanding thing about this song is the bassline. Even if you normally don't pay much attention to the sound of the backing band, you should definitely pay attention to it. Listen especially to the phrases in the intro and the latter half of the chorus. The uplifting feeling you get when you become one with the singing voice is exceptional.
It will free your mind, "Shout to the bouncing rhythm!" which will naturally make you smile. It's also perfect to hear them say, "Your smile is the best thing in the world. It's like you're in the high five with the members, and the fun is about to get a whole lot more intense.
テレビゲームになぞらえた歌詞には、「プリンス」「tiara」「K.I.N.G」などグループに由来のあるワードが入っているのも見逃せない。始終おちゃらけた印象だが、終盤には「何度でもぶつかって レベルアップをしていくんだ」と真面目で熱い想いも感じることができる。
ORESEN means “Ore tachi ha senshi da (We are fighters)”. A comic song based on Eurobeat that was popular from the late 90s to the early 00s. Kishi's chiming in are constantly interspersed between the singing parts, which are lively or energetic, and will probably make many people laugh a little. Kishi's charming and playful personality is evident in the song.
The lyrics, which are compared to video games, include words derived from the King & Prince, such as "Prince," "tiara (King & Prince’s fandom name)," and "K.I.N.G." This is another highlight of the song. The song is playful from start to finish, but by the end you can sense the seriousness and passion of the lyrics: "We're going to bump into each other again and again, and keep raising our level (Nando demo butsukatte level up wo shite ikunda).
編曲:Atushi Shimada
04. Rainbow
軽快なディスコ・ミュージック風の曲調はノリとグルーヴが抜群。その一方で、どこか少し憂いを含むバランス感が、押しつけがましくなりすぎず、無理なく曲のメッセージを心に届けてくれる。「答えなんてない それぞれ描くStory」「求めて今日をLive on 生きて行くOne life」などの歌詞は、さまざまな壁に直面したとき、少し疲れてしまったとき、きっとあなたの固くなった心をほぐしてくれるはずだ。
Like a rainbow in the sky after rain or sunshine seen through a break in the clouds, this song brings a sunny feeling and motivates us.
The light disco-music style tunes have a great groove. On the other hand, the balance of the songs, which include a hint of melancholy, delivers the message of the songs to the heart without being too intrusive or forced. Lyrics such as "There is no such thing as an answer, each of us has his own story to tell" and "Live on today to live one life," will surely ease your hardened heart when you face various obstacles or when you feel a little tired.
作詞:EMI K.Lynn
作曲:Erik Lidbom, CR SB
編曲:Erik Lidbom
05. Glass Flower
Sometimes, it is more healing to sink deeply and thoroughly into a wound suffered in the heart than to try to forget or suppress it. This song, a gentle and heavy piano ballad, emotionally sung about endings and goodbyes, may help us to come to terms with and save us from our suffering and pain.
The lyrics are interspersed with motifs of flowers, the moon, and stars, and the sparkling nature of the song express sadness in a colorful and beautiful way. The guitar solo in the interlude and Ren Nagase's improvisation in the final chorus are especially emotional. Let your ears and heart be fully immersed in this song.
作曲:JongSung Yoon・Taehoon Lee・youwhich
編曲:JongSung Yoon・Taehoon Lee
06. Kiss & Kill
ゆらゆらと波に揺られるような、心地よいリズムとメロディ。「ここでキスして ぎゅっと愛して」という歌い出しからして、甘くロマンチックな曲……かと思いきや、「キスして殺して」というフレーズをきっかけに漂いはじめる不穏さが、心をざわつかせるR&B。
This R&B has a pleasant rhythm and melody that seems to sway with the waves. From the beginning of the song, "Kiss me here, squeeze me, love me (Koko de kiss shite, gyutto aishite)," you would think it was a sweet and romantic song ......, but the disquieting atmosphere that begins to drift with the phrase "kiss me and kill me (Kiss shite Koroshite)" will make your heart flutter.
What is the situation and what are the feelings of the song's narrator? The song is a song that simultaneously encompasses two conflicting themes of Kiss (love) and Kill (rejection), and leaves a heavy presence in the heart, for better or worse.
07. 君に ありがとう
This is a story about the gentle interaction between "You" and "I.The story describes the relief of being able to forgive someone and having someone to show one's weakness to, as well as the gratitude that comes with this relief.
The story of "I" whose heart is invaded by worries and doubts melts away when he encounters "you" gives us healing, and the sound of the word "Arigato (thank you)" warms our cold hearts like magic.
The mid-tempo melody, which is neither too fast nor too slow, is just right for the song and lyrics to be comfortable in your ears, and it sounds gentle and cheerful, liked by everyone. When you feel like forgetting to smile, or when your heart is a little weak. Why don't you come and listen to this song to cheer yourself up?
作曲:Susumu Kawaguchi、草川瞬、佐原康太