セットリストNo.14 & 楽曲解説
01. TraceTrace
The melody has a floating, near-future atmosphere, and the words "Mirai omoidashite (remember the future)" and "Mirai wasurete (forget the future)" are unrealistic and mysterious and not straightforward. It is a song that makes you think about "today" by looking down on the present from the future and feel that you are in the "here and now".
The way the members sing also gives the impression of being inorganic rather than conveying their own emotions, and of standing in a third-person position, like a storyteller rather than the protagonist of the song. Despite its ease of listening, it is probably difficult to understand TraceTrace's world after just one quick listen. We hope you will listen to the song over and over again, take your time to listen to the lyrics, and enjoy the song as if you were solving a riddle.
編曲:Souma Genda
02. That's Entertainment
Dizzyingly fast tempo, gorgeous brass band sound. The entertainment is exactly as the title suggests, and of the old-school type that everyone is familiar with. The main character of the song is reminiscent of a performer on stage, like a trickster (a person who breaks the order in the story and makes the story unfold). Ren Nagase and Kaito Takahashi each play this song with exquisitely different characterization, enlivening and entertaining the audience. Then, will the last word really thrill you or make you giggle? The song is like a roller coaster ride, with tricks that keep you on your toes until the very end.
03. 勝つんだWIN!
04. Dance with me
05. Laugh &...
06. 僕の好きな人
07. Dear My Tiara
タイトルに「ティアラ」とあるように、まぎれもなくKing & Princeからファンに向けて送られたメッセージソング。ピアノの音に乗ってしっとりと届けられる歌からは、メンバーの想いとたっぷりの真心を感じ取れるはず。共に歩いてきた道を思いながら「あなた」が教えてくれたこと、「あなた」に伝えたいこと、「あなた」が自分たちにとってどういう存在であるかを愛情を込めて伝えてくれる。 曲の終盤、メンバーがそれぞれ一人ずつ折り重ねるように「あなたが」と歌い上げるパートは、そこから後に続く言葉無くフィナーレを迎える。だからこそ、彼らの想いや気持ちがよりダイレクトに心に届くような気はしないだろうか。
“Tiara" is what King & Prince's fans call them, and this song is definitely a message song from King & Prince to their fans. You can feel the thoughts and sincerity of the members from the song delivered softly over the sound of piano. Thinking of the path they have walked together, they lovingly convey what "you" have taught them, what they want to tell "you", and what "you" are to them. Toward the end of the song, the part where each member sings "Anata ga (you do)" as if folding over one by one, comes to a finale without any words following from there. Therefore, it seems as if their thoughts and feelings reach our hearts more directly, doesn't it?
作詞/作曲/編曲:森大輔 収録:3rdアルバム「Re:Sense」