セットリストNo.13 & 楽曲解説
01. koi-wazurai
The melody is uplifting for men and women of all ages, and the sparkling sounds are exciting. It is a pop love song with a story of being "sickness (in Japanese, wazurai)" by the various mysteries and contradictions that arise from the feelings of love, but enjoying even that as if it were a game.
The Japanese four-character idioms in the lyrics, "Nanko-furaku (impregnable)" and "Kanzen-muketsu (perfect)," have an interesting sense of language and enhance the impact of the song. The members sing in a bright and cute expression that is sure to brighten up any occasion. Enjoy the misleading and one-sided complexity that love brings with it.
02. Super Duper Crazy
03. 幸せがよく似合うひと
04. Night Drive Groovin’
05. 1999
06. エスコート
07. Seasons of Love
サビで「好きだよ 好きだよ」と繰り返されるストレートさ、King & Princeから伝わってくるたっぷりの愛情。揺れ動く気持ちを移り変わる四季になぞらえて描かれる「Seasons of Love」は、時に切なく、時に限りなく甘く、聴き手の心に恋のときめきを運んでくれる。気恥ずかしくなるほどの愛に満ちたメッセージは、浸りきってこそ真価が輝くもの。メンバーから送られる特大の想いを、聴く側の私たちも、少しも取り零すことがないようしっかりと受け取りにいこう。
Starting with Yuta Kishi's clear voice saying "Dai-suki dayo (I love you)," it would not be an exaggeration to say that this song is the ultimate heart-beating song.
Suki dayo Suki dayo (I love you, I love you)" is repeated in the chorus, and the abundant affection conveyed by King & Prince. Seasons of Love," which depicts the wavering feelings of the heart by comparing them to the changing seasons, sometimes sadly, sometimes infinitely sweetly, brings a flutter of love to the listener's heart. The message, filled with love to the point of embarrassment, only shines through when the listener is fully immersed in the song. We, the listeners, should make sure not to lose any of the oversized feelings sent by the members.