セットリストNo.17 & 楽曲解説


01. We are young(2023)
02. 別々の空(2019)
03. Break Away(2020)
04. 風に乗れ(2019)
05. Hello!!!ハルイロ(2019)
06. 桜Season -restart-(2022)
07. 静寂のパレード(2023)


01. We are young

「若さ」と「青さ」。「We are young」は、youngというキーワードが持つポジティブな面とネガティブな面の、両方を合わせ持つ曲だ。それを象徴するのは「(何度も 何度も)つまずいて傷つくのは、見えない明日へと踏み出すから」という冒頭の部分。岸優太がノスタルジックに歌い上げるパートは、胸の奥がぎゅっと絞られるような感覚になる。
イントロで「目覚めた空の果て」が「見上げて一人」だったのが、どのようなストーリーを経て、最後「見上げて 君と」になったのか。各々の想いを重ねてみてほしい。

The word “young” has two meanings: positive and negative, this song holds both of them. This is symbolized in the first part of the song, “The reason I stumble and get hurt over and over again is because I step into a tomorrow I can't see” (In Japanese, "Tsumazuite kizutsukuno ha mienai ashita-heto humidasukara”). Yuta Kishi sings nostalgically, which makes one heart-wrenching.
The sound of the piano and harp is pleasant, like waves gently coming and going, and the most wonderful thing is the harmony of the members. While the individual personalities of each member stand out, when they come together that reaches their peak. We will be catched our hearts by unison part from the beginning of the song.
In the introduction of the song, "The End of the Awakened Sky" "Look Up Alone", but, finally, it changes to "Look Up With You". Why does it? Please make your own story.


02. 別々の空

「Don't wanna say goodbye」と印象的な歌から始まる出だしに美しいピアノの音色が絡み、やがて電子音と融合して曲が展開していく。それぞれ異なる道へと進む「僕」と「君」に訪れた別れの時。しかし、二人には目指すべき未来が待っていて、「重ね合わせた日々が 揺るがない翼に変わり 超えて行けるよ」と、培った絆をエネルギーに変える強さがある。「見つけた夢をあきらめる人なら こんなにも僕たちは惹かれ合ってないよね」という一節が、お互いに対する信頼と敬愛の証。寂しさと切なさ、羽ばたく力強さの両方を感じることができるだろう。

This electro ballad tells the story of two people who are about to graduate.
The song begins with the impressive "Don't wanna say goodbye," which is followed by a beautiful piano tone, which eventually fuses with electronic sounds and develops into a song. The time of parting has come for "I" and "you" who are going their different ways. However, there is a future awaiting the two of you, and you can feel the strength that turns the bond you have developed into energy as the song says, "The days we overlap will turn into unshakable wings, and we can go beyond. The passage, "We would not be so attracted to each other if we were people who give up on the dreams we have found," is proof of the trust and respect we have for each other. You will feel both the loneliness and sadness, and the strength to flap your wings.

作曲:Kenji Kabashima・m、Takashige Tsukada

03. Break Away

力強さを感じるブラスのサウンドに、未来に照準を合わせた覇気のあるリリック。それも、一人で行くのではなく「一生一緒に Dreaming」「想いは重なってる」とあるように、仲間たちと共に突き進んでいくという絆も感じられる。
Aメロでバックのメインになっているウッドベースのリズムは、チャンスを虎視眈々と狙っているような緊張感。やがてじりじりとテンションが張り詰めてゆき、サビの冒頭で「突き抜けろ Break Away」「駆け抜けろ To the next」と一気に弾けるような歌表現が展開される。明日を拓き夢を掴むんだという熱い想いが伝わってくる一曲だ。

The powerful sound of the brass and the lyrics that are focused on the future. The lyrics are not going alone, but rather, as in "Isshou issho ni Dreaming(Dreaming together for life)" and "Omoi ha kasanatteru(Our thoughts are overlapping)," one can feel the bond of moving forward together with friends.
The upright bass rhythm that forms the main part of the backdrop in the A melody creates a sense of tension, as if the band is vigilantly watching for an opportunity. The tension gradually builds, and at the beginning of the chorus, the song bursts out with "Tsukinukero(Go through it) Break Away" and "Kakenukero(Rush through), To the next". It is a song that conveys the passionate desire to pioneer tomorrow and seize one's dreams.

作曲:Mayu Wakisaka・Janas Mengler・Ellie Wyatt
編曲:Janas Mengler・Ellie Wyatt・Masayoshi Kawabata

04. 風に乗れ

疾走感のあるエイトビートが爽やかな、明るいロックナンバー。まっすぐに未来に向かって駆け抜けていくストーリーを、King & Princeがはつらつとした声で歌い上げる。

A bright rock number with a refreshingly fast 8 note groove. King & Prince sings the story of running straight into the future in their vivid voices.
The sensory words placed in the latter half of the chorus, "GAtto hashitte(start running vigorously)," "BAtto ugoite(move quickly)," and "GYUtto egaita(draw strongly)," are fun and lift the listener's mood to the highest level, filling them with vitality to the max. This is the perfect song for those times when you want someone to pat you on the back and give you a boost of energy and vigor for the new life and new school year that is about to begin. It will definitely go well with your commute to work or school, and we recommend listening to it in the morning.


05. Hello!!!ハルイロ


The tricky sound that unfolds from the intro of this spring song, which has both one and two quirks, is strangely addictive and unforgettable once you've heard it. It is a motivational song that celebrates new beginnings and boosts your excitement.
In terms of musical genres, this song could be categorized as chiptune (a song that incorporates pitter-patter sounds reminiscent of retro video games from the 80s and 90s) or EDM. In contrast to the unique tracks, the lyrics are straightforward and classic. The similarity between the words "Hello Hello" and "Haruiro(Spring color)" is fun to listen to, and the catchiness of the lyrics is irresistibly catchy.


06. 桜Season -restart-


Contrary to its quiet start, the song becomes lively and lively in the next moment, and the song changes one after another at a dizzying pace, as if every verse consists of a chorus.
The lyrics are also filled with a sense of playfulness ...... rather than mischievousness, and it is suddenly revealed in the middle of the song that a certain scene is actually a wish (delusion?) of the song's main character. The lyrics are filled with a lot of mischievousness rather than playfulness . The song keeps betraying every theory in a good sense, and surprises us with no time to catch our breath. It is a busy but enjoyable song.


07. 静寂のパレード

しかし、最終的には「歩いていく」と気持ちも視線も前を向いている。過去に別れを告げつつ「一番大事なものを どうか見失わないで」「嫌いにはなれないし 否定もしたくないんだ」と、自分の芯がどこにあるのか見つめ直し、それを見失ってしまわぬようしっかり抱えて進んでいく物語に、心の支えと勇気をもらえることだろう。

The word "parade" is supposed to be lively, but it is accompanied by the word "silence. The contradictory title of this song may make you feel a sense of wonder.
Together with the lyrics, which are littered with sadness and loneliness that contradict the bright marching tone of the song, the song is sure to bring up a variety of thoughts.
In the end, however, both feelings and gaze look forward, saying, "Aruite iku(I'm going to walk on). While saying goodbye to the past, "Please don't lose sight of what is most important to you," and "I can't hate you and I don't want to deny you," the song tells a story of reexamining where one's core lies and moving forward, holding on to it so as not to lose sight of it, which will give you emotional support and courage.

